Monday, September 17, 2007

Seriously, they were THAT SMALL?

First things first, even before the wallpaper tools are put away or the switch plates are reinstalled (where is that stinkin' screw, anyway?) First the hand prints go back up. I have enforced a strict Look With Eyes Only rule for these; they are irreplaceable. TheGuys love to compare their mondo, sticky, filth-encrusted hands with them.

And they are fascinated with Baylee's hand print. Maybe because knowing she was born in the same hospital as were they, and met the very same Handprint Lady, just makes her real. Neither of them can remember their older sister, a valiant little super hero of a kid who fought the good fight against Rett Syndrome for six years before her little heart gave out. But there's her hand print. So she was really a person. Wow. For a moment -- a very short moment -- they are quiet. Thank you, Bayls. I needed a quiet moment.

I sometimes wonder what life would be like if she had lived. So many changes now. Her disabilities were profound, but she found joy in some areas of her life. I think she would have loved watching her bros.

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