Sunday, August 19, 2007

Looks like we made it

Only one more week of summer, and TheGuys go back to school. We bought new shoes and a sizable stash of Tony Hawk t-shirts. We spent a good long time selecting the perfect backpack -- which is better: Spiderman? Superman? Batman? Transformers? SpongeBob? Thomas the Tank Engine? Camo? students don't face such dilemmas. Now the real trial of summer begins: the effort to change the interior clocks of a 5- and an 8-year old back to Early Bedtime mode. TheGuys attend a school which starts at like 7:45, so unless they go to bed at 4:30 in the afternoon, there's no way they're going to get their recommended twelve to fourteen hours of sleep. Phopl aims for a 7:30 bedtime during the school year. So next week, she starts acclimating them to going to bed before the streetlights come on.

I'm just saying, God bless the good folks at Benedryl.

1 comment:

Elissa said...

amen sister...benadryl, nectar of the mommy gods! Ha, ha!

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